When You’re Brokenhearted and Crushed

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18) Today I had several conversations with friends who are experiencing significant grief and pain from profound and tragic events in their lives. Those conversations always...

Love: The Mark of the Church

The church can be known for a number of things can’t it?  It can be known for its care for the poor.  It can be known for its moral teaching.  It can be known for its liturgical expression.  Sadly, it can sometimes be known in a...

Dealing with Unwanted & Intrusive Thoughts

Have you ever had a random thought pop into your head that was so odd or unsettling you found yourself wondering, "Where did that come from?" It may be the thought to make an incredibly cruel or ugly comment. It may be an impression of a vile sexual thought or an...

Resurrection Peace

Imagine you are with the Disciples and it’s Easter Sunday. But you don’t know that because you don’t know Jesus has risen.  Not yet.  What you do know is that Jesus died. He was betrayed and falsely convicted.  He was brutally beaten and whipped.  Then he was...

Keeping the Faith at Work

Despite the rise of the work-at-home movement, the vast majority of people spend at least 40 hours per week at work. Many people work upwards of 50 or more hours each week. It is no exaggeration to say that most of our waking hours are spent in the workplace. The...

Tips for Better Bible Reading

Every Christian is called to be a student of the Bible. Yet many Christians struggle with their Bible reading --either in forming the habit or in comprehending what they are reading. Many are like the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8. When Phillip comes upon the man reading...

Dealing with Distractions in Prayer

One of the most common questions people ask me in regards to prayer is "How do I handle distractions?" There are times when, in the middle of praying, we find that our minds has wandered. It happens to me. Sometimes I find that I'm thinking about something related to...

The Cross, the Level, & the Truth

Anglican John Stott said, “The cross is the blazing fire at which the flame of our love is kindled, but we have to get near enough to it for its sparks to fall on us.” (Authentic Christianity, IVP, 1995, page 58) The cross is the great leveler of...

Cultivating Peace in the Home

The pace of the modern family can only be described as frantic. Numerous activities, obligations, sports activities, school events, job requirements, and social expectations make constant demands on a family's time and attention. As a result, many of us wrestle with...

Book Review: How to Use the BCP, Bray & Keane

"Cranmer made sure that every service in the Book of Common Prayer proclaims the Gospel --the good news that sinners can be pardoned and saved because of the death of Christ. The prayer book is designed to proclaim the Gospel persuasively." (Bray & Keane 18)...

I attended Auburn University on an Army ROTC scholarship and majored in Aviation Management. After graduation, I was commissioned and served at Ft. Sam Houston, TX, and Ft. Campbell, KY. I attended Trinity School for Ministry and, in 2002, served as a church planter with Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee. In 2013, I joined the Anglican Church in North America and St. Patrick’s Anglican Church. I became St. Patrick’s 2nd Rector in 2020.